We’ve been noticing for years that some people just mesh with their autos. In style, tone, color, vintage—everything. We’ve been noticing for years that some people just mesh with their autos. In style, tone, color, vintage—everything. We’ve been noticing for years that some people just mesh with their autos. In style, tone, color, vintage—everything. The talking invariable led us to action: creating the carma auto/human compatibility meter. The talking invariable led us to action: creating the carma auto/human compatibility meter. The talking invariable led us to action: creating the carma auto/human compatibility meter. It makes us feel good in a crazy reckless giving our opinion regardless if anyone wants it on the off chance we’ll make someone smile kind of way. It makes us feel good in a crazy reckless giving our opinion regardless if anyone wants it on the off chance we’ll make someone smile kind of way. It makes us feel good in a crazy reckless giving our opinion regardless if anyone wants it on the off chance we’ll make someone smile kind of way. Let’s talk about the auto/human compatibility meter.