Westwood Wine
Located in Sonoma Valley, Westwood Wine uses an artisanal, hand-crafted approach to making wine. This comes from the singular vision of winemaker John Kelly, whose goal is to produce wines with minimal intervention, allowing the characteristic terroir of each vineyard to show through.
After spending time with John to understand his vision and approach, Freshbait designed their logo, wine labels, stationery, website and tasting salon. We also happily lifted heavy things, topped up wine barrels, worked the labeling line, painted cabinets and tasted some amazing wine.
The Westwood brand identity is anchored with a tree we designed and had illustrated in pointillist style.
Labels for varietals and blends are derived from the flagship Pinot Noir.
Stationery was letterpress printed, reflecting the hand-crafted approach to wine-making.
Wine club promo cards ask if you prefer to "Sip, imbibe or quaff?"
We designed the tasting salon interior with a transom "window", tin ceiling, slate floor, and a selection of vintage and modern furnishings.
Freshbait got deeply involved with the operation and expansion of Westwood, from the farm to the tasting salon.
First label drafts, from which the middle two were chosen to develop into finished products.